
Leaders at all levels are united in a shared purpose and determination to secure the best outcomes for pupils, whatever their starting points.Ofsted, March 2019

% of pupils who achieved the expected standard overall in Key Stage 2 – July 2023

Gordonbrock 84%
National 59%

% of pupils who achieved the expected standard in Reading in Key Stage 2

Gordonbrock 88%
National 73%

% of pupils who achieved the expected standard in Writing in Key Stage 2

Gordonbrock 88%
National 71%

% of pupils who achieved the expected standard in Mathematics in Key Stage 2

Gordonbrock 90%
National 73%

To read a full report on performance data for the previous academic year, please click below.

Compare School Performance

The Department for Education publishes School Performance Tables.  The primary school performance tables provide information on the achievements of pupils in primary schools, how they compare with other schools in the local authority (LA) area and in England as a whole.

Click on the image to access the DfE performance tables where you can see our performance against government measures for our latest results.

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