

Gordonbrock Primary School is committed to providing a full and efficient educational experience for all pupils. We believe that if pupils are to benefit from education, good attendance is crucial.

Throughout our school we celebrate achievement and recognise that attendance is a critical factor for a productive and successful school career.

There is an expectation that over the course of an academic year a child’s attendance will be 95% or more. Absence that falls below 90% is categorised by the government as persistent absence.

The table above outlines how absence impacts on your child’s learning.


Any absence should be reported to the school office first thing in the morning, giving a reason for the child’s absence.

Absence is monitored by the school’s attendance officer and regular or persistent absences will be discussed with parents as this is in breach of the home school agreement.


Children who arrive after 8:55am must report to the office to sign in. They will be given a late registration slip before being taken to their classroom.

Regular or persistent lateness will be discussed with parents as late arrivals are in breach of the home school agreement and can lead to a child missing a significant amount of learning time; a child who regularly arrives 15 minutes late for school will lose over an hour of learning time each week, equating to a week of lost learning time over the course of the school year. Late arrivals also disrupt the learning time for other pupils.

The law does not grant parents an automatic right to take their child out of school during term time. A request for absence to be authorised MUST be made in advance.

Download a copy of our Absence Request Form 2023/24 in PDF or Doc format. 

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