Nursery Admissions

Interested in a Nursery place for your child?

Children born between 1st September 2020 and 31st August 2021 can start Nursery in September 2024.

Places at our Nursery are for either 30 or 15 funded hours per week, 6 or 3 hours per day respectively, Monday to Friday. Morning places are from 8.45am to 11.45am. Afternoon places are 12.30pm to 3.30pm. Full-time places are from 8.45am to 3.30pm.

Generally, you are eligible for 15 hours, but you may be eligible for 30 hours of free childcare. Please check the eligibility criteria by using the following link: 30 hours free childcare – GOV.UK.

Applications can be made at any time after your child’s 2nd birthday.  To apply for a nursery place at Gordonbrock School please download, complete and return the application form which can be accessed by using the link below.

Nursery places are allocated to children within the nursery age range ( i.e. between 3 years and the start of the academic year in which they will be 5). We do not allocate places to children whose parents have delayed admission to reception class.

In line with Lewisham’s Admission Criteria, where there is over-subscription, priority is given to:

  • Looked-after children – children in public care , or being provided with accommodation by a local authoruty.  Confirmation of a child’s looked-after status must be supplied by the allocated social worker or foster carer, along with a copy of the adoption order, care order or special guardianship order.
  • Medical or social need – children may be admitted to a school wehre they would not normally qualifiy for a place on the grounds ot their, or their family’s, severe medical or social need. The application must be supported by a letter from a professional such as doctor or a social worker.
  • Siblings – children whose brother or siste attends the school on the closing date for applications and still be on roll at Gordonbrock at the intended date of admission.
  • Distance to School – if any places remain, unfilled priority will be offered to children who live closest to the school. Distance will be measured in a straight line using digitised mapping software.

Offers are made approximately 4 months before the September that a child would be due to start.

Unsuccessful applicants do not have the right of appeal but the child’s name can be placed on a waiting list.

Please note that a place in the Nursery does not guarantee a place in the Reception Class. You must apply separately at the appropriate time online to the Local Authority.

For more information about places in our nursery please contact