Ofsted Report

This is an exceptional school where pupils thrive as learners.Ofsted (November 2024)

We are absolutely delighted to share the report detailing the outcome of our recent OFSTED Inspection (November 2024). Inspectors found our school to have taken effective action to maintain the standards identified at our previous inspection in 2019, when we were judged to be Outstanding. This is the best possible outcome we could have achieved in this inspection, and we are extremely pleased that we have maintained our outstanding standards over time. If you would like more information about the inspection process itself, please see page 3 of the report.

Inspectors identified many, many strengths of our school. Below are a few quotes from our latest report that we are particularly proud of:

The school has the highest ambition for pupils to develop as confident and capable young people. This starts in the early years.

The promotion of positive relationships is a clear strength of the school’s work.

Behaviour is exceptionally well managed at the school. This is the result of the trusting relationships which are developed by the staff who know their pupils well and understand their learning needs.

The school provides a range of enrichment activities to widen pupils’ experiences. The arts are at the core of this offer. Pupils are exceptionally well supported to develop their knowledge of life beyond school and their self-confidence as a result.

The curriculum in Nursery and Reception classes is skilfully designed to provide children with the right foundations to be successful in their future learning. This ambition is supported by engaging activities that enable children to develop and apply knowledge with growing confidence. As a result, the school’s youngest children thrive and make exceptional progress through the curriculum.

The school has worked successfully to diversify the curriculum to better reflect the school’s wider community and to support pupils to understand different perspectives and experiences.’

Teachers routinely check on how well pupils learn and remember the curriculum. They use this information well to identify and tackle any gaps or misconceptions in pupils’ knowledge. This includes for those pupils with SEND. This results in effective development of pupils’ knowledge across the subjects.

Staff expect pupils to behave well and to concentrate on their work. This ensures that classrooms are calm and purposeful places to learn.

The school prioritises attendance and communicates clear expectations to families about its importance. As a result, pupils are punctual and attend exceptionally well.

The school has developed an impressive range of experiences to support pupils’ wider development…The school also provides a wide range of after-school activities. Its approach helps pupils to explore their different talents and interests.

The school’s carefully planned work on developing pupils’ spoken language supports them to express themselves with clarity and confidence.

The school promotes staff wellbeing with thought and care. Staff appreciate the support they receive.

Please remember, these are just some of the highlights. Take a moment to read the entire report and celebrate this fantastic achievement!

Please take the time to read the full report as you will see how highly the inspection team regarded our school.

Parents and carers can give their views of Gordonbrock Primary School at any time of the school year and at the time of a school inspection using an online questionnaire called Parent View.

When our school is notified of its next Ofsted inspection, parents will be invited to give their views about the school to inspectors using the Parent View online facility.

Register and give your views on our school at the Ofsted Parent View website.

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