Behaviour across the school is impeccable and pupils are polite and helpful to one another as well as towards staff and visitors. They are caring and supportive of one another and this is very evident during group or pair work so that they contribute actively to one another’s learning.
The provision in the early years is outstanding. Children are highly engaged in well-structured and interesting activities. The environment is rich and purposeful across all areas hence stimulating children’s learning and development.
The school’s curriculum is ambitious and this is evident in a number of ways. Firstly, the sheer breath and depth of the provision is outstanding. Not only are all required subjects and content stipulated in the National Curriculum covered, but subjects include so much more through the enrichment activities such as trips and visits and by overlaying the statutory curriculum with rich and diverse content to reflect the full range of pupils’ backgrounds.
School leaders provide a strong model of leadership which enables those from the ground up to have a voice and toinfluence decision making.
It was an absolutely lovely performance. During this and other singing performances, I’ve been so impressed with what the teachers and pupils have achieved – the number of songs, the quality of singing, the rounds and harmonies. Honestly, the shows have made all us parents cry – they’ve been so lovely! I loved the use of recordings of children telling the story – it’s great having these new creative ways of letting the children shine.
What a great job ‘Team Wright’ and Mr Prescott do in fostering musicality among all the pupils. As we speed towards an AI-digital world, how wonderful of Gordonbrock to seed in the hearts of so many children the magical treasure of making music with others.
All adults provide high levels of nurture and support. Pupils are looked after very well and pupils at all levels and abilities can articulate this. Leaders and staff make sure that pupils are safe and know how to stay safe.
The outstanding curriculum provides pupils with a wide range of highly stimulating learning activities. It is enriched through trips, external visitors and clubs.
Diversity is not a ‘bolt-on’ phrase or tokenistic; it is not just securely embedded but is immersive.